KAIST Endowed Chair Professor
Department Head
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, KAIST
Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical Engineering, University of California, Santa Barbara, (Advisor : Prof. Edward J. Kramer)
Thesis Title : Functionalized Polymers for Modifying the Interfacial Properties of Polymers and Inorganic NanoparticlesBachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering, Seoul National University (with honors)
Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor, Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, KAIST
Visiting Professor, Department of Chemistry, Georgia Institute of Technology
KAIST Endowed Chair Professor, Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, KAIST
EWON Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, KAIST
Postdoc Researcher, University of California, Berkeley (Advisor : Prof. Jean M. J. Frechet)
1. KAIST Endowed Chair Professor (2018-)
2. Head, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, KAIST (2021-)
3. Chair, Undergraduate Committee, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (2016-2019)
4. Member, National Academy of Engineering of Korea (2023-)
5. 5. Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC) (2022-)
6. 6. Reviewer Board, National Research Foundation of Korea (2020-)
7. Member, Machinery and Material Committee (Presidential Advisory Council on Science and Technology of Korean Government) (2021-)
8. Member, Y-Korea Academy of Science and Technology (2018-)
9. Global Young Academy Fellow (2014-2019)
10. Visiting Professor, Georgia Tech (2019)
11. Board Member, Polymer Society of Korea
12. Chemistry of Materials (ACS) Editor-in-Chief Search Committee (2020)
1. MSIT Award (과학기술정통부 장관표창, Korean Government 2023)
2. Global Collaborative Research Award (글로벌 연구협력상 KAIST 2023)
3. Impact Research Award (KAIST 2023)
4. Hyunwoo Academic Excellence Award (현우학술상 KAIST 2023)
5. Impact Research Award (KAIST 2022)
6. MSIT-NRF Scientist of the Month Award (이달의 과학자상 Korean Government 2021)
7. S-Oil Next-Generation Researcher Award (Korea Academy of Science and Technology 2021)
8. Mid-Career Research Award, Polymer Society of Korea (중견학술상 2022)
9. Impact Research Award (KAIST 2021)
10. KAIST Institute Fusion Research Award (2021)
11. LG-KSIEC Young Researcher Award (2020)
12. KAIST-KINC Convergence Research Excellence Award (2020)
13. Toray Foundation Research Award (2019)
14. KAIST Endowed Chair Professor (KAIST 지정석좌교수 2018)
15. "Shim-Gye" Science Award, Pohang Accelerator Lab. (심계과학상 2017)
16. KAIST Academic Excellence Award (학술상 2015)
17. KAIST-KINC Convergence Research Excellence Award (2016)
18. International Leading Young Scientist Lecturer, The Society of Polymer Science, Japan (2015)
19. Global Young Academy Fellow (2014)
20. Young Scientist 2013 Award, World Economic Forum (Davos Forum)
21. Asian Rising Star Lecture, Asian Chemical Congress (2013)
22. Wiley-Polymer Society of Korea Young Scientist Award (2011)
23. Ewon Asssistant Professorship at KAIST (2010)
24. Best Student Award, Gordon Conference (Polymer West, 2005)
25. Seoul National University Honors Fellowship (1994-1996, 1999)
Editorial Advisory Board, J. Mater. Chem. A (Royal Society of Chemistry), 2017-present
Editorial Advisory Board, Chemistry of Materials (American Chemical Society), 2018-present
Editorial Advisory Board, Materials Advance (Royal Society of Chemistry), 2020-present
Editorial Advisory Board, Macromolecules (American Chemical Society), 2017-2020
Editorial Advisory Board, ACS Macro Letters (American Chemical Society), 2017-2020
Editorial Board, BMC Energy (Springer Nature), 2018-present
Editorial Board, Chinese Journal of Polymer Science (Springer), 2018-present
Executive Editorial Board Member, Giant (Elsevier), 2018-present
SCI Paper > 323
Total Number of Citations: 20204/16491, H-Index: 78/70 (Google Scholar/Web of Science)
Number of Patent > 55
* Google Scholar (https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=svoxtDkAAAAJ)
* Web of Science (https://publons.com/researcher/2805071/bumjoon-j-kim/)